Village Association

Gracehill Village Environmental Association

This is a group of volunteers who help improve the environment of the village. Their work includes:-

  • Organising the Christmas Tree and lights in the village
  • Christmas Tree lights community event in association with the Primary School
  • Cleaning, tidying, planting and weeding, painting and repairs as appropriate
  • Watering duties for summer flower displays (water bowser acquired in 2017)
  • Village clean-ups before major events; assistance at these events
  • Organising regular work parties to undertake these duties – The Tuesday Club

The Association would like to thank Mid & East Antrim Borough Council for their ongoing support.

The Village Association is managed by a Committee comprising members of the Moravian Church, Gracehill Old School Trust and local residents. New members and volunteers are always welcome.

Tuesday Club

The Village Association also runs the Tuesday Club in the Spring, Summer and Autumn months. Volunteers assemble on Tuesday mornings (usually in front of the Church at 10am) and work for one hour (at least!) to improve the village environment. This includes cleaning, tidying, gardening, painting and developing new flower beds for the residents and visitors to enjoy. This work is carried out in addition to the support we receive from Mid and East Antrim Borough Council to improve the environment of Gracehill.

It is great fun, an opportunity to exercise and chat and it is often followed by a cup of tea or coffee. Ladies and gentlemen of all ages welcome. Come and join us!

All Rights Reserved - Gracehill Old School Trust (GhOST) 2024